Category Archives: blessings

And mama cooked a breakfast with no hog

Despite a meltdown of epic proportions this morning, today has turned into a lovely day. Poppy and Pete are taking a long nap right now, so I have a little time to tell you about it before I go wake them up. (They’ve been asleep for 2 hours. Apparently histrionics wear a girl out. And witnessing histrionics while drinking a tall bottle of milk wears a boy out.)

Anyway, it’s been a swell afternoon. For two reasons.

1. The Mail. I love getting the mail, even though it’s usually bills, which stress me out and ruin the whole day I need to stop opening I do not enjoy. Today’s mail was awesome because I got a cookie, a granola bar and a one-day free pass to the Y. Score.

blue ribbon2. I’m a winner. Sandi honored me with the I Love Your Blog award, because she is awesome.

Now I get to pass the blue ribbon on to four people whose blogs I love. I read a lot of blogs, and I like them all quite a lot. Some of them I love because I love the people who write them, and it makes me feel closer to them to read about their daily loves. Others inspire me, and still others make me laugh and/or cry. So this was tough, narrowing it down to only four. But narrow it down I did. So here they are: Four Blogs I Love.

  • I recently started reading Casey’s Moosh in Indy, and it cracks me up and it’s informative. I’ve always admired people who are completely open and comfortable talking about their faith, and Casey is definitely that. She’s Mormon, and she isn’t even a little bit shy about sharing information about it. Even when the questions are about underwear.
  • Fluid Pudding was one of the first blogs I started reading, and it was one of the main reasons I started blogging. Angela lives in St. Louis, and it makes me a little homesick for Missouri every time she mentions that. I read her anyway, because she makes me laugh. (I’m sensing a theme, here …)
  • I love almost everything Jim and Wood write at Sweet Juniper. They’re smart, funny and sentimental, and they give their babies great names.
  • It is an Established Fact that I am addicted to free samples. I love Freebies 4 Mom because they always let me know what’s available in Sampleland.

    In the time it’s taken me to write this post, the kids have woken up, Rockford has gotten home and I’ve developed a raging headache. (I don’t think these things are related. Maybe.)

    First person to tell me where the title’s from wins a cookie. No Googling allowed. Rockford, you’re ineligible.

  • Three

    I don’t remember what I was doing four years ago today. There’s a 90% chance that it involved Sparky’s ice cream, because Missouri is hot in August, and ice cream is cold and delicious. The point is, though, that I can’t tell you for certain what I was doing on August 15, 2004.

    But I won’t ever forget what I was doing three years ago today. Three years ago today, my life changed. I don’t really remember what life was like before August 15, 2005. I can’t figure out what I did with all that spare time.

    Mostly, though, I can’t figure out where this bottomless love was stored before my girl came in to my life.

    In just three years, Poppy has transformed from a wee, helpless newborn into a smart, charming, funny little person. She has a mischievous and irresistible smile and a staunch independent streak, and she loves her family with abandon. She likes to help me make peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day, and she wants to have her birthday party at Big Lots. She’s Grundgetta some days and Poppy Telly other days.

    She’s a great blessing and a pleasure to know.

    Happy birthday, Pi. I don’t know what I did without you.

    The weekend went by too quickly

    Rockford and I did something really unusual this weekend. We went away, just the two of us. No kids. I missed them pretty much every minute, but it was really nice just the same.

    I was going to write a big, in-depth post about it. But I’m tired. So here, in brief, is what we did:

  • Had lunch with Rockford’s former co-workers.
  • Had dinner and fun with our friends’.
  • Went to a concert.
  • Helped my dad and his girlfriend move stuff into their temporary lodging.
  • Played a ton of Rock Band with my brother and his fiancee.
  • Met a woman who used to work at Shakespeare’s Pizza.
  • Didn’t check my email.
  • Had fun. Relaxed.