Today: Hem Pete’s pants; buy last-minute stuff; paint toenails; rehearse; eat pizza; bowl.
Tomorrow: Hair; makeup; miracle undies; pictures, pictures, pictures; try not to cry while dear little brother gets hitched; dinner; chicken dance.
Today: Hem Pete’s pants; buy last-minute stuff; paint toenails; rehearse; eat pizza; bowl.
Tomorrow: Hair; makeup; miracle undies; pictures, pictures, pictures; try not to cry while dear little brother gets hitched; dinner; chicken dance.
Big congratulations to Chris and Sinead! I haven’t even gotten to meet their first little guy yet, and they go and have another one. Someday, we’ll make the trek over to Australia and give them all big ol’ hugs.*
*Highly unlikely. But maybe they’ll come to this side of the world someday soon for a visit. Fingers crossed.
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16