Category Archives: Bandwagons

The wheel weaves as the wheel will

One of the SITS Girls writing prompts for November wanted to know what the best book I’ve read lately is. That’s kind of hard to answer, because the last 12 and a half books I’ve read have all been from one series, so it feels like I’ve been reading one story since July.

I started reading Robert Jordan’s 13-book “Wheel of Time” fantasy series when I was in high school, but my interest waned somewhere around book 9. I don’t remember exactly why, but I suspect it had something to do with me going to college and reaching the end of what had already been published right around the same time. I started reading them again over the summer because I heard that Amazon was making it into a TV series and my brother, who also started re-reading them, said they held up pretty well 20 years after watching them the first time.

I’m currently about halfway through the final book. The last three books in the series — “The Gathering Storm,” “Towers of Midnight” and “A Memory of Light” — were actually posthumously finished by another author, Brandon Sanderson, after Robert Jordan passed away. He worked from Jordan’s outline and notes, apparently, so the story is still progressing as Jordan had planned. There’s a marked difference in the writing styles, and there are a lot of things I prefer in Sanderson’s work. His characterization seems to delve a lot deeper, and he makes far fewer references to the female characters’ breasts.

I’m not sure which book is my favorite. I really appreciate the world building in the first one, “Eye of the World,” and I love the end of the sixth, “Lord of Chaos.” Hopefully “A Memory of Light” will end up being a satisfying ending.

I’m really curious to see how they tell such a huge-sprawling story as a TV series. I hope they don’t cut some of my favorite characters or bits from it.

I found some writing prompts and then didn’t use any of them.

I did not do much of anything worth telling you about today, so I hit the internet for some Writing Prompts. I found 52 Writing Prompts to Inspire Your Next Blog Post, and Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students, and Monthly Writing Prompts for Bloggers, so theoretically I should be able to come up with at least enough to cover the rest of November, right?

What I’m going to do now, though, is watch “Almost Famous” for the 4,398th time with my husband.

Good day to you.

This does not bode well

This afternoon I mentioned to Poppy that I was thinking about not participating in NaBloPoMo this year. In fact, I told her, I was thinking about shutting the blog down altogether. She did not care for that idea. “Write about me every day,” she said. I don’t know that I’ll do that, but I’m going to give NaBloPoMo a shot at least.

Happy November!