Category Archives: Bandwagons


I saw an e-mail/meme-type thing awhile back that asked for the site your browser called up when you typed in each letter of the alphabet. Rockford is watching golf, Poppy is having a bottle and I’m bored, so here goes: Amy has a little boy about a month younger than Poppy. She lives in D.C., and she’s pretty darn funny.


cThe Cubs. Because I’m married to Rockford.

dAmsterdam Literary Festival. It’s this weekend. Maybe I’ll go next year.

e … elbows.

fFlickr. I love the Flickr. It makes it much easier to post pictures.

gGlarkware. T-shirts that make me laugh. Like this.

hHissyfit. I think I must’ve followed a link to this. It’s not one of my usual stops.

iInternet Movie Database. Specifically, the info page for “The Lake House.” I saw a preview for it and thought it looked interesting. I’m not a big Keanu fan, though, so we’ll see. Not that we get to the movies all that often anymore.

jJust Landed. It’s an expat Web site; I was looking for an apartment.

k … No “K” Web sites. Hm.

lLA Times. What? I don’t know why this is here. I’ll blame Rockford.

mMapquest. For the geographically challenged. In other words, me.

nNational Geographic Kids. I don’t know. Maybe that report about geography shamed me into seeking an education.

oOne Horse Shy. T-shirts. I like this one.

pPerformancing. They say they’re “helping bloggers succeed.” It’s nice for keeping track of your numbers, at least.

qQuickr Pickr. A handy little Flickr tool.

rRelish. A very cool condiment set.

sSmithsonian Institute. More of the learnin’, I guess.

tTelevision Without Pity. Ah, that’s more like it. Brain, off.

uUPS. I have no idea.

vVia Michelin. More maps. Must’ve been that meddlesome Rockford again.

x … nothin’.


z … Zed’s dead, baby.

Well that was exciting. Poppy is finished with her bottle and is no longer content. She’s saying “Mmmama mmmama mmmama” (I think), so I should pick her up for some cuddling.

The Books I Would Write

When I was in college, I once found a book about romance novels in my adviser’s office. The book listed every major romance publisher and included, in great detail, what they looked for in a book. They all had very specific formulas:

Plucky/strong-willed/self-sufficient heroine meets wealthy/heart-broken/arrogant stranger, conflict ensues, conflict is resolved, couple is married. The listings even spelled out how much lovin’ each publishing company looked for — and they ran the gamut from chaste smooching to make-a-girl-blush action.

So I sat there and flipped through this book and thought, “I could do this.” And I thought I actually might give it try. It wouldn’t take all that much effort, what with the formula spelled out right there in black and white, and it would be a nice source of extra income if I could get it published. I even had my pen name picked out.

I’m not sure why I never gave it a go. It still seems like not a half-bad idea. Except that I laugh at the titles and the book covers next to the check-out line every time I go to the grocery store. I don’t know if I’d be able to take my own story seriously, which I’m guessing would make it difficult to write a solid, convincing romance novel.

Maybe the better title for this post would’ve been “The Books I Didn’t Write.” Or “The Books I Haven’t Yet Written.” Doesn’t that make your heart skip a beat?

My Shoes

I’ve never had a great obsession with shoes. I put comfort above style when it comes to footwear, which means I have zero interest in Manolo and the gang. Does this hurt my “style”? Probably so. Do I care? Well … sometimes … yeah.

I would like to look like I have my stuff together, with the perfect shoes and matching bag, a stylish haircut and some funky jewelry that suggests maybe I’m a little bit hip, even if I do have a baby in my arms.

I came to the realization some time ago, though, that I’m not that person. I don’t have the patience to be that person, to switch all of my stuff from purse to purse each time I change my shoes. Or to actually “style” my hair every morning. Or to wear matching socks. (Just kidding. My socks, at least, always match.)

Maybe someday I’ll get my ears repierced and buy some pretty earrings. But don’t expect to see me sporting a necklace to match.

This has been a Sunday Scribbling. And it was supposed to be about “My Shoes.” Oh well.