So here’s a fun and wacky story:
Quite a while back my laptop computer died, and the computer fix-it shop said something like “Sorry, it’s dead forever” or “Sorry, it’ll cost $4,826 to fix.” I don’t remember exactly what the diagnosis was, but it was costly enough that I shelved the laptop and called it a day and eventually bought a new, pretty terrible laptop that was then stolen out of my car by brigands in Kentucky.
So anyway, last week we were doing some decluttering and there was the old, dead laptop. A new computer fix-it shop had opened near our house since the original laptop death, and I thought “Hey, maybe they’ll give me a different fix-it price.” So I took it over there and dropped it off, and a few days ago they called and said, “Uh, yeah, it just needs a new battery and some memory. It’ll be way less than $4,826. Should we fix it?
“Uh, yeah,” I said. “Please do.”
And so now I’m typing this to you from the blogger’s natural habitat: The couch. (From which I’m also watching the best episode of “Gravity Falls,” the Dungeons & Dragons episode titled “Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons” with Poppy. #GiggleTimeBouncyBoots)
Welcome back, slow old laptop. You’re still old, but you’re functional and a little less slow.