Category Archives: Bandwagons

Getting to know me

This is another of those e-mail forwards that I’m turning into a blog post. Woo to the hoo, right?

What is your occupation? Mom to Poppy.

What color are your socks right now? Pink, yellow and orange stripes

What are you listening to right now? Witty banter on “Gilmore Girls.”

What was the last thing that you ate? Caesar salad.

Can you drive a stick shift? Of course! My first car, an ’87 Volkswagen Jetta, was a stick shift, so I had to learn.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Cerulean.

Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mother-in-law, Genia.

Do you like the person who sent this to you? Absolutely!

How old are you today? 28

Favorite drink? Root beer.

What is your favorite sport to watch? Ballroom dancing.

Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes. Last Thursday. Highlighting counts as dye, right?

What is your spouse’s best feature? Rockford has beautiful eyes. And he’s the nicest man on Earth.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure or famous person, who would it be? Bruce Springsteen.

Favorite food? Ice cream.

What was the last movie you watched? “The Departed.”

Favorite day of the year? Christmas Eve.

What do you do to vent anger? Eat, sadly enough.

What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie

What is your favorite: fall or spring? Fall

Hugs or kisses? Hugs.

What TV show would you like to be on? “Gilmore Girls”

Living arrangements? With Rockford and Poppy.

When was the last time you cried? I don’t recall.

What is on the floor of your closet? Clothes

What did you do last night? I read a little, then watched “CSI Miami” and worked on my nanowrimo project.

Favorite smells? Fresh baby and cookies.

What inspires you? My family.

Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheese

Favorite dog breed? Dachsund

Number of keys on your key ring? Five

How many years at your current job? Almost 15 months

Favorite day of the week? Saturday

How many states have you lived in? Three

Favorite holiday? Christmas

Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? No.

Who’s your favorite NFL team? No football for me, thank you.

Do you have a house phone that is NOT cordless? No.

10 inches of snow or 100-degree weather? Snow.

What would be your dream job? I’m doing it.

Favorite sport or activity to play? Um … does scrapbooking count?

Favorite type of music? I have pretty ecletic tastes. My favorite is Wilco, though.

Your favorite age? Twenty-eight is going pretty well so far. Twenty-seven had its moments, but it also included the whole Holland thing. So. It doesn’t make the cut.

Do you like getting these e-mails? This was a really long one, but for the most part, I do. I’ll admit it. I like ’em.

Friday Feast No. 117

Create a new candle scent.

    Clean baby.

Name one way you show affection to others.

    I love to cook, and I like to feed the people I love.

What is your favorite writing instrument?

    It used to be a pen my dad gave me one year for Christmas, but I rarely write longhand anymore. So it would have to be the computer, I suppose.

Main Course
If you were given $25 to spend anywhere online, from which site would you buy?

    I would buy these earrings at Arbor Beading.

Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what are you going to be?

    No costume for me.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”

Friday Feast No. 116

What is your favorite beverage?

    Sweet tea.

Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work.

    I don’t have a computer desk. But here are three things on the counter where my computer is sitting: Poppy’s piggy bank; two grapefruits; my address book.

On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are?

    9. There are always those “How does my hair look” or “How is your burger?” moments, so I can’t say 10.

Main Course
If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why?

    I don’t think I have an answer to this question.

What stresses you out? What calms you down?

    Money stresses me out; Rockford calms me down.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”