Today’s super wonderful and informative interview features my youngest brother, Andy. He’s
14 12 16. I think? He’s a teenager. He was born when I was a senior in high school, and now he is nearly a senior in high school. Golly. He was around 6 or 7 when Rockford and I got married and moved away, which I’m pretty sure is why he’ll always look like this in my head:
But he doesn’t look like that anymore (even though he’s still the same height; bazinga!). Now he looks quite a bit more like this:
I’m glad Andy was one of the first 8 people on my Facebook list when I decided to do these interviews. I don’t really know him all that well, so it was nice to get some insight into his life.
- Who would star as you in the movie of your life?
- Sean Connery.
Hm, that was also my answer. And it’s the wrong answer in his case, because Tom Chaplin is clearly Andy’s doppelganger.
- What was the last book you read? Was it worth reading?
- “Warriors: Firestar’s Quest.” Best book I’ve read in a long time. Only downside is you will be completely lost unless you read the first 5 “Warriors” books. Gripping storyline; hard to put down. If you’re interested, the first book is titled “Into The Woods.” Did I mention it’s from the perspective of cats?
My first thought was, naturally, “warriors come out to play-ai-ai.” But then I looked up the plot, and OK I’ve read weirder stuff. I might give it a shot. But I sincerely hope that Andy has read “The Hunger Games” series. I hope you have, too. In fact, you should stop reading this and go read that right now.
- If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?
- Probably not. Everyone could use a bit more, and why sit at home when you can be doing something productive outside?
- Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
- Yes, with a passion. Trust me, watch “Ghost Hunters” and “Destination Truth” as often as I do, and you will believe.
- If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?
- Shapeshifting. So Many Pranks, so many times. Besides, who needs to fly? I’m a bird. Super strength? Gorilla. Super speed? Jaguar. The car, not the animal.
Andrew, you are not giving the jaguar its due. Jaguars can swim faster than you, and they can crush a turtle in their wicked strong jaws. Respect.