- Laundry
- Homeschool
Write post (first day of NaBloPoMo!) -
Make menu plan for this week - Start NaNoWriMo
Is it just me, or did November get here awfully quickly this year? I think we may have accidentally skipped a week of October. Not that I want to go back, necessarily. I love November. It’s extreme birthday season around ButterscotchSundae headquarters. In first seven days of November, we celebrate four birthdays: Mine, my sister-in-law’s, my dad’s and then Pete’s. And then, of course, there’s National Blog Posting Month, National Novel Writing Month and Thankgiving, and I plan to participate in all three. I’m pretty sure I can complete NaBloPoMo again, and I know I’m a champion at eating Thanksgiving dinner. But I’m not sure about NaNoWriMo. I’m going to give it a shot at least for a week or so.
I am aware that Thanksgiving isn’t November’s only meal. Here’s what we’ll be eating this week:
- Monday: Breakfast for dinner
- This will be eggs, veggie sausages and toast. It’s always a hit, which is why we have it at least one night most weeks.
- Tuesday: Macaroni & cheese
- I was going to make this from scratch, but then Target had the blue box on sale for 90 cents.
- Wednesday: Chicken sausages and fries
- I never actually made this last week, so here it is again!
- Thursday: Pizza
- What!?! Pizza on Thursday? But Friday’s pizza night! I know. But here’s the thing: I’ll be turning 32 on Thursday, which naturally means that we’re going to have a wild and crazy day. So Pizza Thursday it is.
- Friday: OK, fine. Pizza Thursday isn’t just because it’s my birthday. We’re going to my sister-in-law’s for dinner on Friday.
In other news, my children are playing a game in which they’re hunting snakes and then eating them. For the record: I do not enjoy all the shouting about snakes.
🙂 This year did just fly by! And I eat pizza when the kids and I have had a bad day no matter what day it is. The kids absolutely love to snuggle on the couch with pizza and a movie.