I am in the recliner, feet up. Pete should be in bed. He is not. He is trying to pull off my blanket so he can dislodge Marsha, who is hiding from the Toddler Menace.*
“No Marsha! That is not for you! That is not your blanket,” he says. “I’m gonna get you!”
Instead of getting up and taking him back to bed, I am typing this. It’s been a long day. He yanks a bit harder on my blanket.
“Marsha!” he says again. “That is not your habitat!”
*Is he still a toddler? Wikipedia says yes. For a bit longer.
Your kids crack me up! I wish we lived in the same town so we could have weekly play dates. They would have SO much fun together!
.-= Jeni´s last blog ..Do Be Do Be Dooo =-.
Uncle’s Rule: If your kid’s vocabulary includes the word “Habitat”, said kid is not a todler.