A post-nap surprise

Just after Poppy woke up from her nap a few days ago, Marsha hopped up onto the bed and laid down on the baby’s lap. Poppy was beyond herself with excitement. She’s recently started (very, very slowly and laboriously) chasing Marsha around the living room. And suddenly, there she was! Right in Poppy’s lap! Ripe for the squishing and fur-pulling!

I was torn: Leave them there and run for the camera? Take Poppy with me and hope we could re-create the moment?

I let Poppy kneed Marsha’s fur for a little while, then picked her up and dashed for the camera. It took a little bit of coaxing to get Marsha to come back, but come back she did. She didn’t go straight for Poppy’s lap this time, but she got close enough to be within arm’s reach.