When Poppy was very young — around 2 or so — Rockford and I discovered a phrase that made the in-store gimmes almost nonexistent: Put It On Your Wishlist. As soon as she spotted something that caught her fancy, we’d say something like, “That does look like a fun toy. Let’s put it on your wishlist!” And she was OK with that.
Not only was she OK with it, she was wildly excited about it. Suddenly everything was going on her wishlist. We’d walk through Target to the tune of a constant stream of lisping whispers — “wishlist, wishlist, wishlist” — and we soon discovered why. It was because Santa Claus, she believed, “will bring me all my wishlist!” So the Put It On Your Wishlist plan did have one major flaw, but a good conversation (with a rather sad girl) and several reminders later, it was back in fully functioning order. Continue reading Poppy pins her hopes to Virtual Piggy. Literally.→
“Pancakes are supposed to be round and golden,” the boy admonishes his mother as his sister weeps piteously in the dining room. “Not like that!”
“I just wanted pancakes,” the girl murmurs, a lone tear sliding down her cheek. “I wish Daddy were here.”
“So do I,” their mother says through clenched teeth.
“Daddy never burns the pancakes,” the boy says.
Their mother says nothing, though her teeth remained firmly clenched. She opens the cabinet door with her foot and flips the first two carbonized discs into the trash can before turning back to the fiendish work before her.
“That one isn’t too bad,” the boy says, watching his mother turn the next victim. “There’s a little bit of golden. I can eat that.”
“Thank you for being so understanding,” their mother says, her jaw relaxing ever-so-slightly.
“Hmph,” the girl says, arms akimbo, the tear having left in its wake a steely resolve to shun all burnt offerings.
“Here,” their mother says. She hands the girl the telephone. “Call Daddy and tell him all about this adventure.”
“No,” the girl says.
The mother dials and pushes the speakerphone icon.
“Daddy!” the boy says. His voice is muffled by burnt pancake. “The pancakes are horrible and black because Mommy can’t make pancakes!”
“What was that?” their father asks.
“The pancakes are horrible!” the boy repeats, no longer impeded by the horrible pancake. “And Mommy says this is why you make the pancakes!”
“Oh,” their father says. It is possible that he was not expecting this conversation. “Where is Mommy?” as if expecting their mother to have fled for parts unknown.
“I’m right here,” says their mother, “making horrible pancakes.”
They finish their conversation and she flips a less-horrible pair of pancakes onto a plate, butters them, and delivers them to the girl. The girl eats the dark-golden ‘cakes without comment. Their mother silently rejoices.
“One more coming up,” she says to the boy.
“But Daddy always makes me two,” the boy says.
“You had two already,” their mother says.
“But they were burnt.”
“But they were two,” she says. “I have enough for one more.”
“Will it be golden?” he asks.
“I’ll try my best,” their mother says.
And she does, and it is.
This post was a finalist for the 2013 Type-A Parent Conference’s We Still Blog awards!
“Buy a great pair of boots” has been on my mighty list for a good long time now. I’ve bought a few pair of boots since it’s been on there, but they haven’t been great boots. They didn’t fit quite right, maybe, or they weren’t quite as lovely as I wanted them to be. But they were OK, and they were not expensive, so I bought them. And I didn’t love them, and most of them made my feet hurt.
So why did I buy them? Because I am cheap and optimistic, I guess.
I’ve recently learned, though, that cheap and optimistic aren’t a good combination when it comes to acquiring a great pair of boots. Optimistic on its own is fine, but you have to be willing to spend some money.
Last Monday was a busy one for me. We had co-op, Odyssey of the Mind and a few errands to do, so we got home a few hours later than usual. And guess what was waiting on the front porch for me? Boots! I opened the box and put them on immediately. And then I wore them around the house for the rest of the day. And I wore them throughout the next day, too!
I need to vacuum the car. Also, I was in the driveway for both of these pictures. No driving while trying to take pictures of yourself driving, kids!
Things my Ariat boots from Country Outfitter and I did last week
Dragged the trash and recycling bins into the garage from the cold, rainy driveway.
Washed the dishes a few times.
Made tuna-macaroni-peas salad. (Surely there’s an official name for this, but my boots and I don’t know what it is.)
Played Zelda and PacMan with Pete.
Took Poppy to a playdate; it was my boots’ first time driving.
Went to church.
Bought groceries.
Strolled through nearly every aisle of Toys ‘R’ Us.
Took pictures for this year’s Christmas card.
That’s a lot of boot-wearing, and I am so pleased to tell you that my Ariats and I are still happy together. Thrilled, even. They’re nearly as comfortable as my sneakers, and they’re one million times more attractive.
They make me feel great.
I want you to feel great, too, and so does Country Outfitter. So I’m giving I gave away a Country Outfitter gift card for $150! Yay!
Disclaimers & small print: Country Outfitter sent me a pair of Ariat Heritage X Toe boots in Vintage Caramel to review. After you give them your email address, Country Outfitter will occasionally send you marketing messages, which you may opt out of at any time. This giveaway is only open to U.S. residents age 18 and older, and it closes on November 30, 2012.