An interview with someone who makes me feel old

Today’s super wonderful and informative interview features my youngest brother, Andy. He’s 14 12 16. I think? He’s a teenager. He was born when I was a senior in high school, and now he is nearly a senior in high school. Golly. He was around 6 or 7 when Rockford and I got married and moved away, which I’m pretty sure is why he’ll always look like this in my head:

But he doesn’t look like that anymore (even though he’s still the same height; bazinga!). Now he looks quite a bit more like this:

To the best of my knowledge, Andy has never appeared on "Dancing with the Stars."
To the best of my knowledge, Andy has never appeared on "Dancing with the Stars."

I’m glad Andy was one of the first 8 people on my Facebook list when I decided to do these interviews. I don’t really know him all that well, so it was nice to get some insight into his life.

Who would star as you in the movie of your life?

Sean Connery.

Hm, that was also my answer. And it’s the wrong answer in his case, because Tom Chaplin is clearly Andy’s doppelganger.

What was the last book you read? Was it worth reading?

Warriors: Firestar’s Quest.” Best book I’ve read in a long time. Only downside is you will be completely lost unless you read the first 5 “Warriors” books. Gripping storyline; hard to put down. If you’re interested, the first book is titled “Into The Woods.” Did I mention it’s from the perspective of cats?

My first thought was, naturally, “warriors come out to play-ai-ai.” But then I looked up the plot, and OK I’ve read weirder stuff. I might give it a shot. But I sincerely hope that Andy has read “The Hunger Games” series. I hope you have, too. In fact, you should stop reading this and go read that right now.

If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?

Probably not. Everyone could use a bit more, and why sit at home when you can be doing something productive outside?
Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Yes, with a passion. Trust me, watch “Ghost Hunters” and “Destination Truth” as often as I do, and you will believe.
If you were a superhero, what would your super power be?

Shapeshifting. So Many Pranks, so many times. Besides, who needs to fly? I’m a bird. Super strength? Gorilla. Super speed? Jaguar. The car, not the animal.

Andrew, you are not giving the jaguar its due. Jaguars can swim faster than you, and they can crush a turtle in their wicked strong jaws. Respect.

A thing or two you probably didn’t know about my dad

So, the thing about National Blog Posting Month is that I’m supposed to post something here every day. I usually don’t post on the weekends, so I wanted to come up with a theme to keep me motivated. And so I present to you:

A Bunch of Interviews I Conducted Via Email and Then Posted to My Web Site!

OK, so the series could use a catchier title. Let me know if you think of one. Anyway, the first subject is my dad, because today is his birthday. And because he was one of the first 8 people on my Facebook friend list when I decided to do the interviews. Providential! Before we get to the questions, here are a few things you should know about my dad:

  1. He’s awesome.
  2. He makes perfect fried eggs.
  3. He really likes mowing the lawn.
  4. He’s very good at humoring me.
Do you remember the first time we met?

The first time we met you had just gone through a really tough ordeal. You were all bloody and mucusy and the prettiest sight I’d ever seen.

(That is a gross and sweet answer. Thanks, Dad.)

What was your first job? How old were you, and how long did you work there? Did you like it?

My first job was in a country store, pumping gas, stocking shelves, bagging groceries and carrying them out to the car, and mopping floors. And I was supposed to empty a drip pan under the walk-in freezer every day, which must have been a pretty important thing. Because I always forgot to do it, and I only had the job for about a month before I was fired. Or maybe I was fired for helping myself to gas or a six-pack on the weekends.

Who would star as you in the movie of your life?

Why didn’t I answer number 3? ‘Cause if I totally finished the whole thing, you would have thought I cheated and had someone do this for me. So I will leave that one up to you.

(That is true. So even though I’m considering this a Shirking of His Duties, I’ll answer it. The celebrity lookalike thing at suggested Sir Ian McKellen on several different photos of Dad. It also suggested Eddie Murphy or Mikhail Baryshnikov on an older picture of him, though, maybe it isn’t so reliable. Rockford suggested Dennis Farina, but I was picturing Dennis Franz when he said that. So figured Rockford wouldn’t be getting a Christmas present this year. I can see how McKellen or Farina might work, but my pick would be Matt Damon. Mostly because I love Matt Damon, and I’d definitely be a consultant on a movie about my dad, which would mean I’d get to hang out with Matt Damon.)

What’s your favorite sandwich?

That would be a BLT with fresh, homegrown tomato and Miracle Whip not mayo.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?

Home, because that’s where I like to be. I wouldn’t mind a trip to Alaska, California or Idaho, but make it a quick trip ’cause there’s still no place like home.

Happy birthday Dad! Thanks for answering my goofy questions. I love you!

I like to think we’re in an exclusive club

What do Sean Combs, Ralph Macchio, Laura Bush, Matthew McConaughey, Tony Messenger and I have in common?

Today is our birthday. And you know that means it’s the best birthday, because P. Diddy accepts nothing less.

To celebrate, I’m going watch “The Karate Kid” and “Sahara.” Then I’m going to the library and read the newspaper while listening to “No Way Out” in its entirety. And then I’m going to a high school football game.

(Only one of those things is true. Well, maybe two of them, if one of my waiting-list books comes in at the library.)