I also complain during heat waves

I’ll give you a winter prediction. It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be gray, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life.

There is another powdered-sugar-fine snow falling outside my window right now. I’m wondering, on this 20th-or-so day of Oh My Scarves and Mittens conditions, just how do you residents of the frosty Northern climes do this every winter? You must be bred of hardier stock than I. My nose is runny, my toes are cold, and I am so hoping that tomorrow’s forecasted 45-degree high makes an appearance.

Updated to add: And now I have a cold, which means I will be even grumpier. Dagnabbit.


I didn’t realize that Roger Ebert had lost his voice and his ability to eat and drink. But he has, apparently, and he’s handling it with impressive aplomb. Here’s a terrific post he’s written about dining versus eating.