Disappointment reigns

Remember that time when we were trying to potty train Poppy? It was horrible. Pete isn’t nearly as stubborn as his sister, so this morning hasn’t been quite so bad. But it’s left me with the same conclusion: I do not have what it takes to do the one-day training thing.

I know. I can’t believe I tried it again either. But I did, and there were lots of accidents, no successes and lots of tears (again). We’re cuddling and watching “Sesame Street” now, and neither of us is hysterical. Re-diapered Pete is much happier than he was half an hour ago, and I’m disappointed in myself and rather discouraged. But — silver lining! — at least I’m not cleaning up urine and crying.

We can dance if we want to

Dance!“Mommy, what if something goes wrong?” she asked last night as I tucked her into bed.

“Nothing will go wrong, sweetie,” I told her. “You’ll be great.”

“What if I’m late?” she asked. “Will they wait for me?”

“We won’t be late. We’ll get you there on time. I promise.”

“What if Riley forgets her scissor step?”

“Everything will be fine, honey,” I tried to reassure her. “Just relax, close your eyes and sleep.”

“But Mommy, I just can’t.”

She did, though, and everything was just fine. Great, even. It was my girl’s first dance recital, and she got up on that stage and nailed it. She looked so determined and focused marching around to “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” and at the end she bowed and soaked up the applause. And then she bowed again. And again. Her little dance class pals left the stage. She stayed. She bowed once more — deeply, dramatically — and left the stage.

I’m not sure if it was from laughter or relief or pride or just crazy, all-out love for that kid, but I was definitely crying.

I am a sap, apparently, and Poppy is most certainly a little ham.

Didn’t leave me feeling magnificent

The Magnificent AmbersonsAre “The Magnificent Ambersons” the most irritating family in all of literature? Probably not, but young George Amberson Minafer* and his mother drove me batty straight through this book. It’s well written, and it’s a very good The Times, They Are a-Changin’ story. But let me tell you: All these tragedies have me questioning my commitment to my Modern Library 100 project.** Here’s hoping the next book is a bit more light-hearted.

*I haven’t seen the A&E adaptation, but it looks like they nailed the casting.
**But not, of course, to Sparklemotion. My commitment to Sparklemotion is above reproach.